D. Zhang

I spend my days pondering perennial questions of the human condition in our age of great technological change.

Currently, I work as a
Storyteller at Imbue, where I endeavor to help shape a good future with AI — one in which the inherent beauty, value, and dignity of human life are honored and magnified.

Through my work, I seek to bridge the humanities and technology — the timeless and the cutting-edge, the past and the future — to make sense of our world and better steward it.

My past lives include running a startup founders' co-living mansion, investigating administrative corruption in higher education, and working on an
Alaskan peony farm. I always try to live the questions and take the road less traveled.

If anything piques your curiosity, please
send me a note. I’d love to hear what excites you, and see if we can create something beautiful (or stir up some mischief) together.